Veronica Mars Wiki

The Neptune Grand is a luxury hotel, mainly catering to the upper class, as opposed to the cheaper Camelot Motel. Lianne Mars told Veronica that Jake Kane was innocent of his daughter's murder because he had been at the Neptune Grand with Lianne at the time of Lilly's death. During the second season, Duncan lived in a suite in the Grand "Driver Ed". After a fire in Logan Echolls' house, he moved in with Duncan "Rat Saw God" and he kept the suite after Duncan ran away to Australia. Logan held the "alterna-prom" in his suite when Neptune High canceled the prom "Look Who’s Stalking" and also held a graduation party there. Veronica and Beaver's confrontation on the roof of the hotel ended with Beaver jumping to his death "Not Pictured". The Neptune Grand is where Aaron Echolls (Logan Echolls' father) was murdered, and the location where Dean O'Dell's wife Mindy had been having an affair with Hank Landry, Veronica's criminology professor.

Notable Events[]

Many people have stayed at the Neptune Grands during the series including Wallace Fennel with Jackie Cook, Keith Mars with Harmony Chase, and Veronica Mars with Logan and Duncan (on separate occasions).

Hank Landry and Mindy O'Dell went to the hotel to have an affair, checking in under the name Rory Finch.

Logan Echolls and Kendall Casablancas also had an affair at the hotel.

The Neptune Grand Hotel is also the location where Cassidy Casablancas committed suicide and where Aaron Echolls was killed.

The Neptune Grand was an imperative part of the story, Mr. Kiss and Tell as Veronica was hired by Petra Landros to investigate the alleged rape of Grace Manning

During his time in town, Daniel Maloof and his family stayed in the Neptune Grand. 


The Hotel was introduced in Season 1 and featured during Season 23, and 4.

The Hotel appears to have been renovated sometime between seasons three and four.  
